sobota, 8 stycznia 2011

Nowe czasopismo o dialogu międzyreligijnym

On January 1, 2011, Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique / Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (DIMMID) will begin publishing Dilatato Corde, an on-line, international, multi-language journal rooted in the Christian monastic experience of interreligious dialogue, an experience shaped by listening, respect, contemplation, and hospitality. The name of the journal is taken from the Rule of Saint Benedict, which invites those who follow the monastic way of life to run the way of God’s commandments with an “expanded heart” (Prologue, 49).

Dilatato Corde will be a medium for information and reflection on the dialogue of spiritual or religious experience, that form of dialogue “where persons, rooted in their own religious traditions, share their spiritual riches, for instance with regard to prayer and contemplation, faith and ways of searching for God or the Absolute” (Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Dialogue and Proclamation, #42).

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